The Divine Inscrutability

Christian theology teaches that God in His essential nature is both inscrutable and ineffable. This by simple definition means that He is incapable of being searched into or understood, and that He cannot tell forth or utter what He is. This inability lies not in God but in the limitations of our creaturehood. “Why inquirest thou after my name, for it is secret?” Only God knows God in any final meaning of the word know. “Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.”

To the average Christian today this may sound strange, if not downright confusing, for the temper of religious thinking in our times is definitely not theological. We may live out a full lifetime and die without once having our minds challenged by the sweet mystery of the Godhead if we depend upon the churches to do the challenging. They are altogether too busy playing with shadows and getting “adjusted” to one thing and another to spend much time thinking about God. It might be well, therefore, to consider for a moment longer the divine inscrutability.


“Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding.” Judges 13:18


We may live out a full lifetime and die without once having our minds challenged by the sweet mystery of the Godhead if we depend upon the churches to do the challenging.


Let us, Father, not be concerned about being “adjusted” to the latest trends. Instead let us devoted to knowing more of You.