Doubtless there are many whose eyes are open to the tragedy of our times, but why are they so silent when their testimony is so sorely needed? In the name of Christ men have made void the cross of Christ. “The noise of them that sing do I hear.” Men have fashioned a golden cross with a graving tool, and before it they sit down to eat and drink and rise up to play. In their blindness they have substituted the work of their own hands for the working of God’s power. Perhaps our greatest present need may be the coming of a prophet to dash the stones at the foot of the mountain and call the Church out to repentance or to judgment.
Before all who wish to follow Christ the way lies clear. It is the way of death unto life. Always life stands just beyond death and beckons the man who is sick of himself to come and know the life more abundant. But to reach the new life he must pass through the valley of the shadow of death, and I know that at the sound of those words many will turn back and follow Christ no more. But to whom shall we go? “Thou hast the words of eternal life.”
Moses replied: “It is not the sound of victory, / it is not the sound of defeat; / it is the sound of singing that I hear.” When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned.” Exodus 32:18–19
Before all who wish to follow Christ the way lies clear. It is the way of death unto life.
Indeed, Father, where else could we go but to You? No one else has the truth of life.