We Are Not All Alike

We ought to be fully aware that in the body of Christ we are not interested in the production of “cookie-cutter” Christians. This is a word of caution in the matter of Christian experience: there is no pattern or formula for identical Christian experiences. It is actually a tragic thing for believers to try to be exactly like each other in their Christian faith and life. I have probably been overly cautious about testifying to my own experiences because I do not want anyone to be tempted to try to copy anything the Lord has done for me. God has given each of us an individual temperament and distinct characteristics. Therefore, it is the office of the Holy Spirit to work out as He will the details of Christian experience. They will vary with personality. Of this we may be sure: whenever a person truly meets God in faith and commitment to the gospel, he will have a consciousness and a sharp awareness of the details of that spiritual transaction!


For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. Ephesians 2:10


It is the office of the Holy Spirit to work out as He will the details of Christian experience.


Lord, You made me to be something special, and I love You for nurturing me and growing me to be just what You want. Mold me and make me after Your will. Amen.