Money Is Not Truth

It is a fact in human history that men and women have never in any great numbers sought after truth. The young people who stream from our halls of learning each year confess to having no more than a passing and academic interest in truth. The majority admits to attending college only to improve social standing and increase earning power. So the average American will confess that he most wants success in his chosen field, and he wants success both for prestige and for financial security. The ominous thing about all this is that everything men and women want can be bought with money, and it would be difficult to think of an indictment more terrible than that! Real seekers after truth are almost as rare as albino deer! Why? Because truth is a glorious but hard master. Jesus said, “I am the Truth,” and followed Truth straight to the Cross. The Truth seeker must follow Him there and that is the reason few men seek the Truth!


The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22


Everything men and women want can be bought with money, and it would be difficult to think of an indictment more terrible than that!


Lord, may I always seek the truth. May I always seek You. May I know You better and grow in the knowledge of Your will.