Our Individual Worth

Our lost race has always been prone to discount and reject the wonderful fact of the individual factor in the love of God. Far, far too many men and women in this world are convinced that God’s love for the world is just one big lump and the individual is not involved. We have only to look around us with serious observation to confirm the fact that the devil has been successful in planting his lie that no one cares for the individual person. Even in nature around us, there appears to be very little individual concern. The burden of concern is always for the species. But Jesus did not preach to the multitudes as though they were a faceless crowd. He preached to them as individuals and with a knowledge of the burdens and the needs of each one. Our Savior did not come into the world to deal with statistics! Each of us must come with full confidence that it is a personal word God has spoken to us in Christ, that “whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish.”


For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. Romans 10:4


We have only to look around us with serious observation to confirm the fact that the devil has been successful in planting his lie that no one cares for the individual person.


Lord, help me to spread the word to each individual I can that You love him or her specifically. Help me to convey to them just how much You can love one person.