He Is Our Friend

God’s love tells us that He is friendly, and His Word assures us that He is our friend and wants us to be His friends. No man with a trace of humility would first think that he is a friend of God; but the idea did not originate with men. Abraham would never have said, “I am God’s friend,” but God Himself said that Abraham was His friend. The disciples might well have hesitated to claim friendship with Christ, but Christ said to them, “Ye are my friends.” Modesty may demur at so rash a thought, but audacious faith dares to believe the Word and claim friendship with God. We do God more honor by believing what He has said about Himself and having the courage to come boldly to the throne of grace than by hiding in self-conscious humility among the trees of the garden.


“Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend. James 2:23


Modesty may demur at so rash a thought, but audacious faith dares to believe the Word and claim friendship with God.


Father God, let our faith be such that we can claim friendship with You.