Without Feeling?

I do know something of the emotional life that goes along with conversion to Jesus Christ. I came into the Kingdom of God with joy, knowing that I had been forgiven. I have had people tell me very dogmatically that they will never allow “feeling” to have any part in their spiritual life and experience. “Too bad for you!” is my reply. I say that because I have voiced a very real definition of what I believe true worship to be—worship is to feel in the heart! In the Christian faith, we should be able to use the word “feel” boldly and without apology. What worse thing could be said of us as the Christian Church if it can be said of us that we are a “feelingless” people? I think we must agree that those of us who have been blessed within our own beings would not join in any crusade to “follow your feelings.” But if there is no feeling at all in our hearts, then we are dead!


Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord . . . Ephesians 5:19


Worship is to feel in the heart!


Lord, I more than anyone know the joy of salvation. I pray that as You bring feelings of joy and worship into my life that I will have the means to communicate those feelings to others.